Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Under the darkness of shadows

Under the darkness of shadows

Oh those lips , glimpses of solitude
Breathing like an enchanted river
Flowing its winsome love
Over the moon - torched  enflamed body
Like a sorceress hand
Magicked by its touch, its grace

Lovers like larks
Wings harassed by the winters frost
Unfolding like horizon
With longings of subdued pain
Eternal flame, cool to touch
violent in passions heat

Eyelids of dark sky
Open to the joys of night
Warm breath, desiccated thirst
Seeping from lips
Like an errant butterfly

Sex workers in Mumbai's Kamathipura district

Sex workers in Mumbai's Kamathipura district

Creaking bridge with an overhanging death
Within this rivers frosty sweat
A picturesque flights of fanciful fish
go nowhere because the stones are adrift

Hanging gardens or lonely spires
Chaste garments or naked souls
Buried underneath the swampy disgust
Mortal limbs searching for the moon

The bazaar is alarmed with the poisons of rupees
Each human touch is memories born out of soiled sheets
Corners sell flowers of jasmine and magnolias
But coughs and sputter of unhealthy women
Beyond the earths mist

Naked land in the sky
No nobility here that hide
Flesh is windows with out curtain
And doors are jute skinned
Opening to hell

Woman sell their cosmetics
Painted on worn skins
That refresh the noisy gargles of daily sweat
Each moan is snuffed like a fish

Sunday, January 19, 2014


Ablaze rainbow

Fly across the verdant canopy
Ablaze in rainbows hue
Over the meadows, the tilting stream
Lilting rivers and furious seas

Amongst the birches and the plumes of destiny
A shrill call of the wild
Gone astray those coruscating dreams of heaven
Into the poignant mists of clay

Solitude beckons on lovers lips
 Resplendent dew on the wings
Fly away my lonely soul
To the horizons of despair

Cherish the maker of the mountain limbs
Folding my sighs into ethereal clouds
Where earth dances with the wings
Horizons afloat on the waves of sea

Friday, January 17, 2014

Tears of joy

Tears of joy

Tears are not mist or dew drops, they neither are of you or belong to you
They dwell, come and go as if they were waves, a love song
I am of salty water, that tears have formed
But I find myself looking at the mirror and
Tears begin to run down on glass pane
As a blossom of tears, I shall fade into the misty darkness
And less of a joy to the twilight when it finds me not there
Can we help this pain, by not shedding tears
But find in ourselves something everlasting that we can tell
Our children, grand kids how much they mean to us
Its tears of joy that sees a face and loves in its relief
Paint sorrows out of tear drops, a picture so perfect
That love sighs and spells your name on its brow
I wish to be those tears of my friends and loved ones
Who are with me now, today
Gone will they be like tears tomorrow just like you and me.
Like clay, like a maple leaf just floating on a stream
Think of the stream that never found its river
Think of the sparkles you have now
Flickering on the joys of eternity

No Hindu God for me, please, and thank you!

In search for answers to your betrayal
Your eyes  are seeking tapestry of wind
While I seek solitude, the bells are ringing in temples
They have no answers for me, except
To find relief in blessings and penitence
I long for a hopeful gaze, that's all
And a smile that will silence
False prophets, who betray love more often
And false Gods who  perform rituals upon the living
To make them one with the dead.

Adorned in wealth from those who have gold
They smitten your heart and use it to smelt the metals
And your feeling, your emotions
Are woods they use as fire to design their ornaments
These false Gods, and their murderous prophets
Reach into caverns of hope
To blind the faithful

Dalit poem

Dalit poem

Oh plunge it deeper, you tyrants, depraved of the world
The dagger you bought from the Wall Street pawnshop
Have no mercy, leave no turn unturned, deeper should you
Pierce the wound
You nubile slaves, shark jaws is the only virtue you posses
Must I then warn you, the deeper the wound you inflict
My verses become incisive, profound

Each chaff of wheat is soaked with the sweat of bonded Dalit
The grains have a mark of smile, etched by dying sigh
Precious as a smile, noble as cotton wool
On the lips of baby, mothers milk might have dried

The priests have sugar  for your heartbeats
To light the torched books of their myths
The wheels of Krishna's chariot
Become stuck in your agony's mud

Ashes are flickering in the dark
Of your burnt huts with no shade
The lips of rains have charred it to cinders
Your hopes are afloat on the tattered tri colors in throes of death



Tintinnabulations of hyper Jamaican drums
Furious beats of mad mystic, possessed souls
Nomads dance in frenzied ecstasy
Swing of hips,  breast are falling on sand
The oceans frays and sprays 
its waves lost, beats with the dancers feet
Blue is almost gold in the dark
Stars freed from sky panic and strive
In endless gestures beneath the feet
Her feet are miracles  on the moonlit sand
Not one imprint of footsteps of her  dance
It flew away  and found a home on winds 
The rum is dark, but the drunks are darker
Bikinis are strings tied to the heart
Nakedness of men strung to woman's hips
Are rhythms that beat in time with lime



Your charms brilliance of rainbows
Pulling my hearts delicate strings
Zithers chymes blues on my soul
Ringing my lifes varied hues

Dawn rises when your eyes gaze at me
Night falls when they turn away
Within its liquid warmth my love resides
Your smile leaves me astray

I am lost and drifting,ashamed yet shifting
Cant help myself in awe and surrendered
In  your cherry smile meshed my heart
Your lips have warmth of a cacoon

Warned, advised, reprimanded and cajoled
By Mom and all my dear friends
Dont give your heart so easily
Save it for some rainy day

Journeys in life are full of twisting bends
No shady nooks on its edges
Agonizing painful is loves arrows,deep is its open wound
Tears and prayers will not soothe, your broken heart on your sleeve

At crossroads of mercies

At crossroads

Roads are flooded with despair
And stop signs are all sunk
Beneath the torrid currents
Few words etched on the pavements
Still glitters with lovers name

Light comes with its shadows
The dark is first to appear
I take the untrodden road
Stuck at crossroads of anxiety and fear

Now here is where I belong
On the street of ash
Lined by flowering trees of sand dunes
Amongst the buzzing flies of anguish

What a dreamer I have been
Thinking all roads leads to your love
Dark are the lanes that reach your feet
Hazy are my eyes with mists of your deceit

I light every street lamp as I pass by
Hoping you will embrace me from distance
From the disdain of your gaze to the dawn of my life
In one flick of your hair

Or else I will forsake this town
This road that leads nowhere
It was only for you that I visit
My grave that has been flooded with my own tears

Poets Glory

The poets glory

Before that noble death unmistakably announces my departure
Uncloaked and rigid to the bones
Flipping the bird at this mundane world
I prepare for my journey,  misty lips reciting prayers

Before the lamp burns out its frozen oil
Before rigor mortis sets in, braiding my eye brows
I want to say a few parting words
I don't know what words  should I use
What tongue, what native dance should I design

Before the funeral pyre is lit
I wait on the side lines, shrouded, and silent
I can still hear the lapping Ganges
To what use is my hearing aid

Oh what a joy it is to loose this world, that never was mine
In  the first place
And I leave behind a few dark poems  that you can remember me by
This was all a poet could ask
To have laughed a few moments, and died the next
Before spring comes, sunshine reveals the world, lifting
While you sleep, I travel to the other world
Just  to be a whole basket full of ashes
Just like my grand mother
Carrying bananas  to sell at the local market
Fill your baskets with my ashes
And do whatever you can.

Poetry is virtue only the blessed posses

For the hungry, the thought of mothers milk
Is poetry, chalked on your dried lips
For the brave, a wooden horse drawn into battle
are verses that only history will repeat
For love in a world torn apart by bullets of freedom
A glowing herb of a poetry is sustainance for the soul
A loving arm of enemy is poetry for the sages
A lotus flower in a desolate pond
winking its eyelids in every morn
and sleeping until the quilt of night is withdrawn
Is poetry by those who search for meaning of life
Lilly reveals its answer to a poets quest for meaning
By opening its petals for full gaze, nothing hidden, its emptyness
A distance travelled by a blind beggar for few crumbs,
Is poetry for the vacant eyelids
A peacocks dance on a rainy summer morn
Is poetry for the rainbow that blushes at its sight
A mountain can swing on a birds wing
To hear seagulls cry for a pink sun

Salt of the sea

Salt of the sea

Wind swept deserted land adorned with self inflicted scorns of memory
Belittle the starry gaze accompaniment  to my day dreaming
Where the silvery moon spun of webs of self deception
I lie awake, choking, thinking of the blossoms of your lips

The quilt of your warm hands have sprouted feeble remedies
The warmth that once was your gentle touch
Has become agitated sea waves
That never again calm my anguished eyes

Dusty columns of memories
Clinging  like grasping ivies
My heart has become a shattered mirror
That never seems to forget your face

My hope lives on the silence of the clouds
Early morning dew has left me forlorn, cold
Suffocating  for a few raindrops
Perhaps they would wash my tears.



All hopes were imprinted on me
Like a branded hide
To be of this mind or that, but not to be ones own
The destiny written on the narrow lanes
In between the farms, where feet, and dusty clods of earth
Carried your dreams
To walk amongst the villagers was a taboo
To lay eyes on the deity that was just a stone
With a stone heart, beastly  eyes and tongue flaring out
Yet we prayed to their gods from a distance
To the full moon we murmured  our hopes
We humbled under the banyan tree
Seeking roots of purpose
But none was available
For a desiccated life
This is thus a village in India
Where our huts could not face east
Or our rivers were never for us
The wells we could not use
Neither pray in the temples
We grew without access to learning
Our ears closed to the sounds of music
Our gifts were good, but our faith uncertain
The holy men would not approach their feet
We were shunned away, even our shadows considered putrid
We were born untouchables, our parents were untouchables
We saw burning of our living
And vultures pecking at our dead

All for Nothing

All for nothing

Before wisdom first came ashore
Burdened by the oars of philosophies
Men have been riding wild horses
Mostly for stewing enemies meats
Moments only froze in a crimson
Wounds of a dead animal

Many sunsets later
The same two legged creature
Now upright, carved few screeching lines
On stones, in darkness
Expecting recognition

Dark was the ages, sun drenched in blood
Blew the cover off the desperate
A feathered quill printed a song
And the world began to sing

On a palm leaf, centuries of hallucination
Began evaporating its ink
Whence the words of the Awakened One
Tripitika, Or Three Baskets, dawned
Like a grassy pathways
Through the desiccated deserts
the journey towards wisdom and nobility

Ages hence, the same two legged beast
Murders the same way
Centuries of prints in soft covers
And weighty volumes of speeches
Could not do justice to the world

War on Humanity

War on humanity

Below that bridge with turbulent waters
Not a fish can you catch, enraged, they swallow pebbles
the hooks of your hunger are chewed and spit, like lemon pits
While you come back to your worn quilt
Cold and cursing the weather

Piranhas, adorning medals of virtues
Devouring your future rainbows
Amongst the clouds, dark ravens of Godliness floats
Shimmering in your cataract eyes like a swan

Trees are loosing their leaves
in blooming springtime
The milk of hope you churned for your toddlers
Have curdled into a spawns of scorpions

Under the canopy of Banyan trees
Wide shades that rested your moth ridden feet
Lies now that bone crunching vise
Whose jaws split your desiccated bones

Mother where have your loving teats gone
That fed me my seething hunger
Subterfuge life in a pod of sin
Is all that I now drink

In gloves with mind_altering.org
A corporation of wolfs fiery breath
Disease spewed,venom spat
On an innocent lamb

I carry my hopes, like a candle lit in a storm
Who wins is for those dissolute minds
Seeking love in a ashes of years well gone
And hopes dwindling on a blunt sword


The formless take form within your gaze
Like dew drops turning to clouds
Shimmering in the pond
With your reflections
Your pebbles of struggles just sink to the bottom

The fish swims leaving no trace behind
Nor does a bird cast a shadow on the sky
But why us humans
Think to create edifices, when the world is still
In desperation as always

A day in the life of a worm
Is to create the moist soil for your green tree
And the Lillie's is to perfume your garden
What does a man have that is for the
Goodness of the world

Your limbs carry weapons that slay innocent
Your lips are smiling daggers
Your hands snatch crumbs
And you live with the glee of depredations

Let your lips be for speaking the truth
Your voice to raise concern for others struggles
Your labor to raise the shady masts
And you limbs to fold into a prayer for others

Rise O Man

We gained independence, but we lost our people.

No Gandhi or Buddha can cure its deadly flaws
Power by the few and only for the few and others on mercies seasaws
Dammed are our rivers,where gentle waves once sluiced
Gone those vibrant green forests where plumed birds sung
Starvation on every lip, ill health,books and virtues lie in dust
our land, our hopes all snatched from our hands

Rise O man, awaken from your slumber
Roar like a lion and blow like thunder
Take these edifices down and raze every throne asunder
We this planets children and this earth our mothers womb

When your heart softens to a cottony wool

When your heart softens to a cottony wool
And melts from the waxy moonlight
Light footed clouds pass by on the wings of silence 
Ant tracks  begin to look like verses  of a lonely poet
Slender  spider webs  enclose you in a  prison.of steel grids
Wisps of gentle wind scorches your face 
The colors of fresh blooms,
intense, unrelenting, 
Chars you to cinders
And from the ashes a voice of love emerges
Seizes your heart , as if it were a criminal
Frog marches  it to a land of sorrows
And brings in you a joyous relief
Life, death, pain, misfortunes dwindle
A dew drop falling from a slimy slender  leaf
tears flow like lava, burning your essence
Arms that could nourish you are seeking minerals 
Are bent in supplication for eternity
I seek a glimpse of your love, a flicker.
So  my  love for you in  a catacomb
Of honey suckers.

Time and tide

Time gallops sitting on the horses mane

 Time gallops sitting on a horses mane. 
From its testicles it sways like pendulum insane 
Antlers on the wings of future like a drunken ghost 
Seeking past to write history of  petrified frost  
 Churning, caracoling like whirlwind of life 
Foundering on the blood drippings stakes of strife 
Aware of no one 
Nor water or rain 
It's only need is to leave you , desolate, forlorn, and in eternal pain  
 Time and memory are couple in love
 One  is certain, the other lies in dust 
They leave the past with the mirror shattered And future succeeds only in its ashes   
Time flies, sparks and flashes like lightening 
One moment all is present,in colorful bloom 
The sun flickers but in vain 
The sea finds its waves and drowns its remains 
With your eyes full of love at natures sight   
It disappears in an instant of an arrows flight 
Lips kiss separated from self 
A sigh of birds wings in a snowy storm


Words crepitate, whisper, howl and screech
Explode and sparkle
Fourth of July fireworks displaying myriad battle
All in brilliant shapes and sizes. Some beneath the above, few far away close to the night
Meteor with long tails, birds plumes, singing   their flight
reverberation in the sky, echoes of sounds translated into words in your mind
And are lost, gone, smoky dust storms is all you find
Leaps from the cliffs of horizon
And is lost into the void
Words are murderous creatures
Blood soaked, thirsty for your throat
In it lies agony, defeat,smile, struggling with them so futile
To understand words, you have to wipe them out
Erase them from memory, find life, and have no doubt
Find the space where words are not required
Where they don't lose themselves in their own silence
That t silence where those words lie hidden, lost, confused
Unable to come out
Poetry is a language that God  disdains
You a scared cuckoo that flew over his nutty domain
Awaiting your defeat in a world yet unborn
He wants comfort of a corporate giant
Yours are words that are eternally defiant
He has no need for silly clovers
Not a word that challenges his lovers
What you bring to the table is his faults
He finds in you a heretics onslaught

Women dance around burning funeral pyres in Varanasi

Adieu my friends, I am going to miss you all
I love you that's a promise without a moments pall
When the flames leap up to consume my body
Your names will be whispered from its delicate fronds
I love you all, those who staked my heart
And those who threw petals at my feet
I helped, but was never enough
I leave without your permission
And I leave like a coward
My life's work undone
I am a mind and body just like rain
Just a dew drop on a shimmering name
Its a journey I take on an age old locomotive
Sluggish in its ride, drowsy in the night
Billowing  smoky darkness on your pure sky
I will see from the window a world that we built
I hope you can do better without my tilt
Adieu, my love, I hurt you a lot
Look at this way:
Who deserves more hate than this blot
So if hate were a conspiracy of love and lovers
We have done well in our nights cover.

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Yes I have plucked the rosy lips
Guilty I stand
But you in my arms
Are more than my dream
A dream within a dream
Stolen by your smile


uprooted by the wind
Mirrors the wilderness
torturous roads to the
uplifting green
mindless journey through
the thick of pond
and surfaces beckons,
howling thoughts
the serenity
silver of moon
swinging on the branches
just like the words
lost in liquid caves

Sluicing petals of hope

From the depths of crawling anger
Between the cracks of concrete bitterness
Showering from the desolation
Of sky that has dried
Lost in the draperies of winged jealousies
And envy that has webbed feet

I rise, I rise! blooming,
each passing day
Cheery petals open eyes to a new dawn

Midnights dark raze

Eyes wide,
within  my agonizing dream
Wings fluttering with
choruses of memories
flit across the darkened sky
Fireflies of words
Light up dew drops of hope
And bats of distances
Devour the closeness of love

Moth like
Frantically seeking your eyes
In brilliance of the moonlight
With enflamed passion
Seeking to torch self to ashes

The sea churns like an caged animal
Darkness has its waves in choking grips
The songs that it had spun for me
Is sheltered within the  lost pearl

What of the morn
When dreams will wither away
What else should I seek when awake
That a howling world will not take away


When thoughts have frozen
Beneath the icy sheets of anguish
And the ink well has  collected dust
Of life that has been forsaken too long
And there amongst the weeds of ignorance
Rises above the mist, flickering fireflies
I write without an utterance of a word
So I could be understood, like a palm tree swaying
Above the sea, never a memorable word, but yet
Profound in its whispering of dreams
I write the verses of rippling lake
And I write about the shadows that twinkle in the dark
For the love that's always hidden
Like the flip side of a moon, but I write, without putting it into words
A poetry of the lips without a voice

I wish I could use some words
To write for those who have no voice
Like millions who suffer in hunger
Words that have no meaning
When asked for a morsel of food
They heap upon me volumes of holy books

I write, again and again, just so the nibs
Made of bone chips
May surrender to the pains of longing
And words cause true blood to once flow.

Funeral on the ghats of Ganges

wooden clogs of despair
Strike blithely, bells clang
Tormenting  destiny
harkens the foot peddlers
Of myths, to tarry a bit
The doors still shut
Its still too early for your calm brows to
Knot a song of bitter faith
Fading  twinkles of your eyes to see the
The mist of  sepulchral

Beyond widening gaze of river
A shimmering of love beckons with palms folded
Tying your lips to steps of stony belief
Flames playing hide and seek with your eyes
Chamber pots of anxieties are brimming with
Your sins
Ashes, speechless, await your moment
Shrouded in dusty quilts,
Reciting hymns
unheard by heavens
Except the twigs of funeral pyre

The ink well coughs dusty memories
And the nib is wrapped in forgetfulness
As the moment approaches, for the waves of
Ganges to kiss you with its lips
You think of the last words that could have been said
While you capered and pranced on your wooden horse

Hunger and toast

Buttered toast

Expecting one without burns
And buttered without vengeance
Delicate floury porous gaze
Steeped in liquid sweet turbulence
Salt of the sea, roaring crystals of delight
Between the plate and horizons
Of lips
A guilt of hunger
Eves Apple and the violence of snake
An invisible voice jolts me
Human lips frothing
Steeped in a gaze, desolate and starved
"Can I have something to eat, Sir."
A derelicts mask without a face
My soul cringes
The butter freezes
Charred, I walk into the desolate storms
Winter has sprung its tentacles
And toasted me with hunger
I return to my caged life

Snow dreams

Oh snow, gentle snow

Oh snow, gentle snow,  how you weep
You cover earths hide with your mellow leap
And bathe  it in a  light for eternities keep
Your fingers are delicate petals of ruby red
You smile in your softness of sleep
You carve a space for lovers warm heart
And you make them walk your delicate path
You shudder and you moan but never you surrender
Lovers kissing lips you adorn and wonder
And their brows of swans feather you lift towards the sky
And heaven lies above the trees sweeps
Mingle with the soft hands you find joy
Starry nights are your childish toys 
On the tree tops, on my houses gentle  roof slope
You have  sown on it a tapestry of silent glow
Forever I seek to play with you
But you come like a dream and melt into a floe
Whispers  of snow flakes breath touching my ears
They say motley  things of lovers secrets fears
But can they bring hope in the light of the day
When  snow is so ephemeral and vanishes into thin air
Pagodas of snow on strings of webs 

To my twin daughters

Oh That Sweetest Joyous Face

Oh that sweetest joyous face, which affliction haunts your tender thought
Is it the bouquet of flowers I gave you have withered
echoes of my words reverberates, 
cries out to soothe your pain.
Sitting  in a silent poise, dappled moon light mourning days end, shimmering shadows of leaves  full of hidden love flickering around you,  
A   silvery stream singing songs to your lonely heart, 
murmuring gratitude for your presence, 
nobility of solitude wrapped you in its cloak of  virtuous silence,  
while Lillie's  danced to the music of whispering wind behind you.
The moon hid behind trees ,  stunned and speechless, at the brightness of your  face, stole glances and spoke to the wind 
 said of your eyes blueness 
Said of loneliness in your heart,
A dew  drop on a leaf lingered a moment longer to hold on to your sorrow.
gravity succumbed to the priceless gem of gratitude.
Said of the dreams that were shining like stars, twinkling, glittering like reflections on the stream, of the lapping sounds of tide touching the feathery stones so you could step and walk across, to your dads love, that was always within reach, yet far as the ocean is wide. 
Blueness of sky protecting you.  holding you in its palms like a prayer, offering you incense of hope , beseeching , my love for my daughters, limitless, 
I shall reach across the sky, ride the moon beams, traverse the leaping waves, bend the flying currents, hold the stars in my teeth and bring a smile to your face.
my joyous angles, 
for only you this world exists. 

Few Words

A ship named forever sails on the sea called never
Blooms, pink, and rainbow colored leaves,sway in the night called faith.
And a horse called time gallops past snorting life to the end of horizon
leaps into the void
and is gone
Left in its wake. all and everything
Mirrors, water, wells and snow
born and dead


Women dance around burning funeral pyres in Varanasi

Adieu my friends, I am going to miss you all
I love you that's a promise without a moments pall
When the flames leap up to consume my body
Your names will be whispered from its delicate fronds
I love you all, those who staked my heart
And those who threw petals at my feet
I helped, but was never enough
I leave without your permission
And I leave like a coward
My life,s work undone
I am a mind and body just like rain
Just a dew drop on a shimmering name
Its a journey I take on an age old locomotive
Sluggish in its ride,drowsy in the night
Billowing  smoky darkness on your pure sky
I will see from the window a world that we built
I hope you can do better without my tilt
Adieu, my love, I hurt you a lot
Look at this way:
Who deserves more hate than this blot
So if hate were a conspiracy of love and lovers
We have done well in our nights cover.

Dalit poems

We soaked in mist of piety 

We soaked in mist of piety

Wear nobility like the skin on new moon

Avoiding ways of the setting suns' world

Sought liberation from earthly swoon

Enslaved like moth to a candle
Leech like stuck to teats of covetousness
Snatching pickled flesh from vultures beak
We have broken the bridge of returning

Wrapped in desolation,adorned in fake jewelry
We sold Mother India  on Wall Street revelry
Paraded her eternal beauty to the cash monger
Those white Gods with smiles of dagger

We have changed the names of Gods
Krishna's dark personage slumbering in  coal mine
The blue wisps of shivas coiled hair
Are dammed rivers of dusty flow

We have built  walls to divert its cosmic glow
Now hunger reigns on its shore
Land fills are dried of muck
Greenery of land now a vision of rheumatic husk

Coppery gleam rests on vishnu's navel
Out of it looms a bloom
 In mines of gloom
Bleating of innocent lambs in octaves

There amongst the downtrodden
Land fills of  slimy oil
Worthy to be slipped into abyss of hopelessness
Delights the cruel merchants of death

There adorning Gandhi's cap
Wearing mistaken identity
Like Gods walking towards their harvest
They slaughter heads of penitent fools

Singing songs of political maleficences
Like chirping cockatoos in a dream
The birds took the last grains from the mouths of babies
And swept to the land of no return

They touch different shore for divinity's blessing
Here in  holy temples of foreign banks
 they convert dollars to greed
And promise vaporous justice to disaffected

Their masters don't dwell in temples anymore
Nor education in their midst, nor in their ranks
They thrive because metals flow in their blood
corpuscle rumblings of Sherman tanks

They abhor religious debate
Discuss currency exchange instead
Ponder deeply Wall Street journal and  Bhagwat Geeta lies in dust
And Mahabharata is a Bollywood movie gone bust

There in the east was a majestic forest
 Petrified, No longer do plumed birds sing
Gone too they flew
To a land across the bridge of no return

Krishna, Durga,shiva, lovers of eternity
Are weak limbed observers
Of their world torn apart by
The monarchs of Green Tombs

Buddha walked these paths
Taught ethics, morality, enlightenment
He too picked his weary feet
Became a man in search of Brahma's soul

Dalit girl

A DALIT girl bathes on the banks of a river / fable

A dalit girl rinses her hair on a river's bank
Dark coils swimming on the waves like a boat
Shimmering coal on twilights coat
Her face innocent adorned
Eyes like stars on the surface of her teeth

Brahmin priests,catches her in the act
Furious at her rebellious  mein
Scolds her in an imperious tone
Dont you know bettter, you little shrimp

That a low caste girl cannot bathe before us
Written in text holier than your collective  lowely dust
That such as yourself ever contest an edict
Hung will you be from the nearest tree without a verdict

Said the girl, your lordship, folding hands
Why cant I bathe in this natures delight
I know you are learned and of immense might
But I woke before you and all your gods
And was taking a plunge in these heavenly bogs

We have to bathe first thats eternal rule
Because we are of high caste and you our myths fool

Said the girl, my lordship, smiling
Youve been beaten for centuries by these Veilings
Here swim the tortoise, the fish and those frightening crocks
Alway before you no what matter the clock
They swim and die in rivers gaze
And you sleep in your slumbering daze
These animals of the river deserve to be higher than your virtues

Astounde, amazed, shocked by the girls reply
Asked who taught you this heretics veiw

There amongst the tree sits a man of seren face
Of noble birth and enlightened of view
He calls himself the Budhha
And he did teach us these simple words of wisdom

So, please get out of my away
And do whatever you like, I have no time for your foolery

Those eyes of crystals, those lips of fortune

Those eyes of crystals, those lips of fortune

Moonlight dancing on the lips of pond
Peacocks flutters on its wave with a song
Mountains sky high swinging from birds wings
A fish with scales of snow, bites on a ray of light

Gone in an instant my worries and my care
I see the dappled moonlight in lovers lair
The crickets rise to their daily prayer
And the grass swung like a maidens hair

Go away you silly butterflies
No you shall not, never, steal colors of her lips
Those eyes of crystals, those lips of fortune
I may be a prince of sorrows
But am a monarch of your destiny

whispering palms, and blooms of thought
forever bringing distant wrought
I am in daze with your beauty, enchanted
by this lake, surrendered and unwanted

My Dalit Wife

My Dalit Wife

Darkness of moons cavities
Angelic in its shine
Coruscating glimpses of rainbows
Dancing within a dew drop of wine

My Dalit wife : Of pink corals
Harboring riotous colors of fish
Swimming within the beauty
Of sunshine's sweet dish

My Dalit wife : plectrum on a zithers chyme
A melody of life, honey castles of my mind
Cadence of love song, a beaver bird building nest
Stillness of an oak, a snake charmers rhyme

My Dalit wife : A pedantic lover, Mother India's tutor
Monsoon dance of peacocks flutter
Elegance of a swan swimming on the floe
Tea leaves in a golden pewter glow

My Dalit wife : Her smile a new bud in the morning light
Votive of a wind instrument in silent breath rising to angelic height
Her voice a song spun with a gossamer thread
Swimming in the air of magical flight

My Dalit wife : Of pools of lark, heavens of mynah,drunkenness of humming bird
Of Devi's eternal vision, mountain peaks of snowy jelly fish
Languid songs on a laundry line in colors of a wish
Blessed in the suns rays, twinkling warmth of beatitude words

My Dalit wife , unrelenting magnanimity of a saints despair
In love with the silvery springs of bubbling air
Seeking virtues out of darkness crest
Finding love to feed from her sumptuous breast

My Dalit wife :curvaceous like a grape vine
Turned into intoxicating wine, drunk am I at her smells so fine
Aromas of hyacinth and roses forever wrapped in my mind
Wherever I go, it's vision Devine
Her breasts of amber, her body of silk
her panting of a leopard, In a heat of huntress kill
Like two eyes of a cat, forever shining in the dark,
Like a chimera who sees everything but emits not a spark

My Dalit wife : a somber awakening by a morning flute
Of passions calmed by nights fruit
Impressed into my heart the marks of her delight
Forever waking to a wondrous loot

My Dalit wife : trellises of her heart strung to heavens strings
Of Gods virtue , a demons flight
Simplicity of her words, incisors of faith
Of magnanimity born from caresses for each life's sight

Author Notes

I am a Dalit  poet.
© Rajesh sidhartha. All rights reserved, 7 months ago

Gandhi's wheel

Gandhi's Wheel

  yarns of sorrows and  feverish wounding the wheel of malfeasance
 Wrapping desolate lives in circumference of slavery
  gossamer cloak of virtues, an iron grid of hopelessness
 Salt march to continue inflicting more insidious  pain to wounds
 Satyagraha not  by hunger but  by power
 More of the blood soaked khadi to be worn by caretakers of justice 
 To inflict untold, unaccountable wounds to heads bent in supplication
 To nourish the roots with wolfish grins
 To a smile the torments of eclipse 
 To blossoms a gardeners knife, sharpened by glee edged depredation.
 To Suns effulgence a deadly miasma of hate, 
 Rabid holy men  adorning vicious  stripes  of  poisoned piety  on forehead
 To rivers an unholy gratitude of filth
 To freedom, chains of incoherent wooly  myths

Gravid Turtles

Gravid turtles

A tear drop of sand in the watery waste land
Who abandoned this paradise?
A wailing bird, moaning at the sky
Distance dreams, like sea gulls, flying by

Azure landscapes fitting into a fist
A sand storm, slipping out of no mans hand
In the fury of the sea, a hysterical mass
No one approaches it, footsteps not imprinted on watery blue

Palm trees sway, though few dance to the rhythm
Coconuts hung midair, like a crown on oblivion
Sorrows have built their nests here
Hatchlings die with dried beaks

What of the howling wind
Bringing memories from whispering horizons
Gravid turtles, building their homes here
In the crevices of hope
Just one orchid raises its eternal bloom

Vacancy in churches

What a diabolical mix
Poverty  and America
Like twins separated at birth
Rejoined by abandoned jobs

Hunger smokes in chimneys
And Santa is fighting deficits
Far from the maddening crowd
Homelessness stays underground
Living with holes in itching crotch

Soup kitchens with credit defaulted prisoners
Vacant dreams stare at skyscrapers

Welcome to my page of poetry. Please read and enjoy. Its free and valuable to both of us.


uprooted by the wind
Mirrors the wilderness
torturous roads to the
uplifting green
mindless journey through
the thick of pond
and surfaces beckons,
howling thoughts
the serenity
silver of moon
swinging on the branches
just like the words
lost in liquid caves