Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Erect Statues Of Sincerity

Why erect statues
when the limbs have stiffened in death
Are people so fickle, they always need help
When fire has turned every seam to ashes
Throngs  carrying memories like fading lamp

A stony eyed gibbet they gave me after life
Pigeon laced hat to adorn my sun burnt face
They wrote kindred words, for others to deface
I thought they would forget and let me die in grace

No, the heaven cant hold the unjust strife
Man kinds vision is never sublime
Pools of dark clots under every tongue
Harassed  Deities, Gods and virtue less moon
Shimmers of faithlessness on doves wings

Will to live again

While the storm brews its concoction of lies
Few still slumber past gloating for sun
Hills and meadows, forlorn and sleep
Our warm caresses lights the path

Our blanketed heart, still beating with passion
Lies awake while the world sleeps
As snow leaps and frolics on our brows
We coil  it's slender skiens
Around our lips

Let me not seek the lighted dark
Where it's obvious the loves fades
Into the shadows crevices and memories
We hide, and endure this life's unyielding storm

Clad not zeitgeist  garb of decency
But sprouting song  of honesty
Insight meditation ; salvation of  others
A pied piper, charmer of noble words
In thoughts and action
Character pious, virtues stake injustice
Self assured  glow of serenity
A search light in turbid storm
Safe harbour  reached with dignity

Monday, February 3, 2014



Precious, unyielding is your love
Feeble and parched my passions
Freezing with leaky quilts of despair
Your Spotless footsteps led  me to temple doors
Solemn prayers dazzles on your lips
A terrified child am I
Stranded mid stream by life's  storm.

Last Night

Last Night

I have spoken to the wind
Turning as it always does
Of your love
But it walked away into its fabricated storm

Spoke to the moon last night
Gazing at its sorrows under its own light
Sighing with its darkness along the edges of the wood
Shadows of arms swaying in the breeze

The sea weaves its own desolate tales
Churning and frothing upon its brow
Seeking its lost pearls, that has its heart
Along the shores, its losing its hope

Caressing my loneliness with the swoon of my pain
Where ever you walk, that's where my soul flies
Like a dove, teetering in the wind
To gaze upon your lovely face
And the cool shades of your cheery lips

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Under the darkness of shadows

Under the darkness of shadows

Oh those lips , glimpses of solitude
Breathing like an enchanted river
Flowing its winsome love
Over the moon - torched  enflamed body
Like a sorceress hand
Magicked by its touch, its grace

Lovers like larks
Wings harassed by the winters frost
Unfolding like horizon
With longings of subdued pain
Eternal flame, cool to touch
violent in passions heat

Eyelids of dark sky
Open to the joys of night
Warm breath, desiccated thirst
Seeping from lips
Like an errant butterfly

Sex workers in Mumbai's Kamathipura district

Sex workers in Mumbai's Kamathipura district

Creaking bridge with an overhanging death
Within this rivers frosty sweat
A picturesque flights of fanciful fish
go nowhere because the stones are adrift

Hanging gardens or lonely spires
Chaste garments or naked souls
Buried underneath the swampy disgust
Mortal limbs searching for the moon

The bazaar is alarmed with the poisons of rupees
Each human touch is memories born out of soiled sheets
Corners sell flowers of jasmine and magnolias
But coughs and sputter of unhealthy women
Beyond the earths mist

Naked land in the sky
No nobility here that hide
Flesh is windows with out curtain
And doors are jute skinned
Opening to hell

Woman sell their cosmetics
Painted on worn skins
That refresh the noisy gargles of daily sweat
Each moan is snuffed like a fish